OK! Celebrity Spotted: Teen Choice

OK Magazine covers the Official Teen Choice Gifting Suite:

OK Magazine provides coverage of the Official Teen Choice Gifting Suite, produced by Backstage Creations.  Backstage Creations clients regularly receive press mentions in popular entertainment outlets like OK! and other pop culture publications, giving them valuable exposure to a celebrity driven group of consumers.  Contact us to help your brand gain this type of media recognition for your products!

“Celebrities Spotted Out And About

Ne-Yo, Anthony Anderson, Adam Scott and Janel Parrish checked out the Backstage Creations Retreat at Teen Choice 2017 with 1MORE Headphones, Darren Campo’s Stingers, SQUISHIES by JAKKS, Hasbro’s Hanazuki, Sphero BB-8, Croton Watches, dav, Malibu Jane, The Retreat Costa Rica, and Island Plantation Panama packed inside JWorld backpacks.”